Master Mountain Walking: Expert Tips for Every Walker
Mountain walking presents a unique set of challenges and opportunities for walkers. Unlike flat terrain, the biomechanics of walking in mountainous areas can be significantly affected by the stress of elevation changes, rocky paths, and varying inclines. Understanding these factors and adapting your walking style accordingly can make a substantial difference in your walking experience….
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Why use a mountain leader?
Exploring the great outdoors is an exhilarating experience that combines physical challenge with the beauty of nature. However, venturing into the hills and mountains can be daunting, especially if you’re unfamiliar with the terrain or the nuances of outdoor navigation. This is where a mountain leader comes in, transforming a potentially stressful walk into a…
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Hemiparasitic plants pretty little thieves.
What are Hemiparasitic plants? The prefix Hemi means half so they are half parasites but what does that mean? Most plants gain their energy through photosynthesis and acquire water and nutrients from the soil directly or through symbiotic associations with fungi. There are plant parasites which gain their energy and nutrients from other plants however…
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Flowers of the Woods and Hedgerows in Spring
Over the last few weeks whilst out and about walking in the countryside – often on the way to meet DofE groups, I have been noticing the spring wild flowers that have been brighting the verges and woodlands. Wild flowers often have interesting names and stories associated with them, so I have chosen a few…
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Marcescense a bit of a mystery?
What is marcescense? Marcescence is the holding on to dead leaves and dead plant material during winter. This happens to particular species of Deciduous trees such as beech and oak (this is a bit peculiar as the word deciduous comes from the latin for falling off more on that later) So what should happen? In…
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