Booking Terms and Conditions

These Terms & conditions apply to all bookings made from 11th January 2023 until further notice by individuals and individuals when booking as a group.


Only on receipt of a deposit or full payment will a place be guaranteed. For group bookings, each individual must complete a booking form.

Cancellation by the Customer

A cancellation by the customer must be in writing. Once notified of the cancellation in writing, The Mountain Trod will try to resell the activity place(s). In the event that The Mountain Trod is able to resell the activity place prior to the commencement date, the customer will receive a full refund. In the event that The Mountain Trod is unable to resell the activity place(s) prior to the activity commencement date the customer will be charged the following cancellation fees:

Where notice is more than 4 weeks, a full refund will be given.

Where notice is 2 – 4 weeks, 50% refund will be given.

If notice is less than 2 weeks, no refund will be given.

Cancellation by The Mountain Trod

Whilst every attempt is made to ensure that advertised activities actually run, The Mountain Trod will notify the customer of cancellation as soon as possible where it believes on reasonable grounds that cancellation is necessary due to dangerous and/or unsuitable conditions for the activity.

In the unlikely event that The Mountain Trod has to cancel your course, you will be offered either a full refund or another date.

The Mountain Trod will not be liable for any travel or accommodation related expenses.

Risk Acknowledgement

Adventurous activities have a danger of personal injury or death. You should be aware of and accept these risks and be responsible for your own actions and involvement.

You confirm that you have appropriate insurance to protect you from the costs of medical treatment and rescue or recovery in the event of an accident or any other event.

Your insurance is valid for all the activities you will undertake and for the location(s) in which they occur.

You understand that it is your responsibility to declare any underlying medical problems to your insurers and that failure to do so may render your cover invalid.

You accept that all this is necessary to ensure your safety and the safety of the rest of the group. In the event of logistical (transportation, accommodation. etc.) difficulties you agree that you are responsible for any additional costs arising.

If the weather conditions are too severe then for safety reasons our plans may need to be changed at short notice and in rare circumstances the activity may be postponed or cancelled.


Adventurous activities can lead to personal injury or death. You accept these risks. You act responsibly.

You need to have appropriate insurance for the activity.

We may need to change our plans if the weather is too bad.

For those activities that take place in upland and mountainous terrain you are informed that the British Mountaineering Council Participation Statement says that: The BMC recognises that climbing and mountaineering are activities with a danger of personal injury or death. Participants in these activities should be aware of and accept these risks and be responsible for their own actions.


The Mountain Trod’s activities do not include any personal accident, cancellation, or personal insurance. The Mountain trod’s staff are fully insured with public liability and professional indemnity.

Fitness & Medical conditions

As a condition of your booking you declare that you are physically and mentally fit for the activity you have chosen.

You understand that during the activity, it will not be possible to deliver the same standard of medical treatment that you may receive in a hospital and that in the event of illness or injury it may take some time to be rescued.

You understand that it is in your interests to disclose any underlying medical problems you have to the organiser of the activity in confidence well before commencing the activity.

You understand that you need to take responsibility for your own medical welfare by carrying adequate supplies of your own medication while on the activity and also carry a basic medical pack so that you can treat yourself for any minor problems which may occur.


Children (under 18s) must be accompanied by a responsible parent or guardian who must remain with them at all times.


If you have any complaints or concerns about the course or trip please contact The Mountain Trod in the first instance to resolve the matter.

If you have a complaint about one of the NNAS courses you can file an official complaint with the NNAS.

Photographs and other Media

We may take photos on our events and may use them for promoting The Mountain Trod’s activities, including on our website & social media. These photos may feature participants, although when we publish images we never include identifying information (unless you want us to). By signing up to this activity you agree to us taking and using such photos. If you do not wish to feature in our photos please inform us at the start of the activity.

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